Systhetic eye prostheses
The eye prostheses are completely made of synthetic resin (methyl polymetacrylate). The shape of the eye cavity in which the prosthesis will be inserted is obtained due to a three-dimensional impression, this shape is reproduced with extreme precision and adapted to each person.
Three-dimensional impression

vue externe de la prothèse.

vue interne de la prothèse.
The three-dimensional impression is the result of many years of research. It allows to get a very precise and optimal product.
The impression respects completely the eye's anatomy what ever the post-operatory situation may be.
The three-dimensional impression gives the superciliary arch its shape back, there will be no deformations of the inferior eyelid, nor wounds and the eyelids will be in good condition.
This technique gives the possibility to make a very light
prosthesis if necessary.
The three-dimensional impression can also be done
on the phtisical eyeball (when it lost his original volume).
Use and care
The synthetic prosthesis can be worn night and day.
The synthetic prosthesis is unbreakable, it is not influenced by the indoor-outdoor temperature changes (cold/hot).
In case of scratches or plasma deposits on the external surface of the prosthesis; a simple polishment gives the prosthesis a bright new surface.
To clean the prosthesis, you only have to use cold water and paper handkerchieves.
You can do any kind of sport with a synthetic eye prosthesis which has been produced with Mr. G-M Dubois technique, even snorkling, scuba diving or plunging.
Realisation and adaptation
Three sessions are necessary for the realisation of a sythetic eye prosthesis.
1st session : three-dimensional impression, checking of the colours
2nd session: testing of the shape, centring and checking of the colours
3rd session: placing of the prosthesis and personal recommandations.
The colours of the iris and of the sclera (white part of the eyeball) are not painted, but they are directly integrated with different successive coats of colorations in the synthetic resin. The natural shade can be reproduced due to a large choice of 200 colors.