Below, you will find the different cases in which this technique
enables to improve the daily life of patients.
- Simple enucleation of an eye
- Enucleation of an eye with implant
- Enucleation of an eye with fistula
- Phtisical eyeball
- Congenital phtisical eyeball
- Eyeball with a scar on the cornea
- Eyeball with a scar on the sclera
- Eyeball's exenteration - no tissues or muscles in the eye cavity
- Palpebral loss - reconstitution of a part of the eyelid
- Palpebral epithesis
- Perforation of the nasal wall, cancer
- Loss of the bony walls, cancer
- Burnt tissues because of black powder, a rocket or a grenade
- Burnt tissues because of acid
- Grafted tissues from dry skin or mucous membranes
- Protection of the palpebral scars
Do not hesitate to contact us ! Even if the anatomic situation seems critical, it can always be improved.
Section of the eye |
1. "Lifting" muscle of the upper eyelid 2. Sclera 3. Conjunctive of the eye (white part) 4. Tarsal plate in upper lid with meibomian gland 5. Suspensory ligament 6. Crystallin lense 7. Eyelashes 8. Pupil 9. Cornea 10. Iris 11. Ciliary process |
12. Muscle of the inferior eyelid 13. Small oblique muscle 14. Vitreous body 15. Optical nerve 16. Right inferior muscle 17. Optical nerve 18. Upper right muscle 19. Fat around the eyeball 20. Tenon’s capsule 21. Retina 22. Hyaloid membrane |
Front of the eye |
1. Eyebrow 2. Eyelashes 3. Upper eyelid 4. Sclera 5. Iris 6. Pupil